Drawing for an auction

I finished the colored pencil drawing for an auction that my friends' work place is having in June.  It will be available for bidding on the site Bidding for Good, June 8th, 2015.   This drawing is called "Cascading Apples"  and is created entirely with colored pencils.    It can also be found on this site in the section titled "Colored Pencil."

Nature drawings

One week ago I started on a close up of an apple tree in colored pencil.  It may be finished this week or next and I intend to continue with another drawing in a similar fashion, perhaps blueberries.   My hope is to make this a series and offer the prints for sale.  Most of my time in the past few months has been taken up with completing orders for my custom house ornaments, so it is quite nice to be able to go back to the drawing table.   I generally work with a few different kinds of colored pencils, though this particular drawing is being done with mostly theKoh-i-noor brand of woodless pencils with a little Prismacolor pencils.  My other choice would be the Derwent line of colored pencils.